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  • On the spacious mastheads of the second and third masts a band of soldiers
  • I returned by the boulevards on the starboard side, avoiding contact with
  • His sermon was already prepared, the occasion was good, and he intended
  • A black mire that British mud which is so rarely absent from the pavement
  • One ring signifies ship a-head; two, ship-starboard; three
  • Towards five oclock a small steamer, intended as a shore-boat for the Great
  • Portmanteaus and bags came in and out of my cabin; an unusual hubbub reigned
  • My friend Dean Pitferge was near him, his quick little eyes running over
  • He easily collected ninety-six players, including several professed gamblers
  • She appeared with her bows towards us, having swung round with the tide;
  • After having cast a rapid glance over these fitting works
  • Soon we came in sight of Queenstown, a small calling-place
  • Going down into the saloon, I saw a lecture announced
  • In order to raise the anchors it was only necessary to send the steam from
  • The Great Eastern was announced to sail on the 20th of March
  • As the clock in Victoria Tower struck seven, the tender left her moorings
  • Before lunch several of the passengers organized a pool, which could not
  • These wagers, amounting to several hundred dollars, he lost every one;
  • There was no longer any doubt of icebergs being very near
  • The arrangements with regard to the interior are admirable
  • The result of this pool was not to be known for four days; it was what
  • After the long separation which had estranged us from each other
  • Immediately the valves open, the steam from the boilers rushes along the
  • The muddy waters of the Mersey were lashed into foam by the slowly revolving
  • The crew had undoubtedly had time to leave her, but could they have reached
  • During this last day, however, little by little the gangways were cleared
  • About nine oclock the bearings of the Great Eastern were west-north-west
  • Here between the last small deck cabin and the enormous gratings of the
  • Therefore, to the great regret of the sailors, it had to be abandoned
  • I saw an object moving for several moments at the bows, but it turned out
  • For five days operations continued with distracting activity
  • It is an immense depression of the land filled with water
  • Numbers of the faithful were already in their places
  • All this day, the 2nd of April, the deck was deserted, even the saloons
  • For the benefit of those partial to comparisons, I will add that it is
  • But special arrangements were necessary for storing away the cable in the
  • During Monday night the sea was very stormy
  • Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players hands
  • From the deck rise six masts and five chimneys
  • It was an inconvenient position for the wheels, for the paddles not being
  • of Liverpool, the first to the amount of 538,750 francs
  • About noon Captain Anderson ordered sail to be hoisted, so that the ship