Générateur anglais de faux textes aléatoires

Lorem ipsum a généré 20 listes pour vous.
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  • A French company, called the Great Eastern Company, Limited
  • After twenty passages from England to America, one of which was marked
  • At this moment numerous groups appeared at the doors of the cabins
  • After having cast a rapid glance over these fitting works
  • The muddy waters of the Mersey were lashed into foam by the slowly revolving
  • In order to modify it, he has only to press his hand lightly on a small
  • She alone could store on board the 2100 miles of metallic wire weighing
  • Numbers of the faithful were already in their places
  • When I went on deck, about seven oclock in the morning, the wind had freshened
  • A catch had broken, and the capstan being forced round by the frightful
  • It was an inconvenient position for the wheels, for the paddles not being
  • I did not understand at first for what it was intended, but it appeared
  • And now for the first time the Great Eastern was to be steered by steam
  • First of all the anchor had to be raised
  • I pictured to myself this enormous bulk borne on the waves
  • The result of this pool was not to be known for four days; it was what
  • The hull of the Great Eastern is proof against the most formidable seas;
  • Each player stakes one dollar, and draws one of the half or quarter hours:
  • The crew had undoubtedly had time to leave her, but could they have reached
  • At two oclock the fog grew dense again, the wind fell and rose at the same