Générateur anglais de faux textes aléatoires

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  • Here opened the pit containing the machinery of the paddle-wheels
  • Scarcely had we started, when I saw on the quay a tall young man
  • Before lunch several of the passengers organized a pool, which could not
  • These wagers, amounting to several hundred dollars, he lost every one;
  • After each verse the congregation murmured the one following; the shrill
  • Friends exchanged quiet greetings; every one held a Prayer-book in his
  • During Monday night the sea was very stormy
  • I went towards the fore-part of the vessel, the staircase had not yet been
  • Thus the reason for rearranging the ship to this purpose
  • For five days operations continued with distracting activity
  • The crew had undoubtedly had time to leave her, but could they have reached
  • The fact is, these divisions are reckoned from noon to noon
  • If this plan succeeds, a man will be able to direct the gigantic body
  • I should not have been surprised to see the stokers working in black clothes;
  • At the base they measure 43 inches in diameter, and the largest (the main-mast)
  • The steersman standing on the bridge between the signal apparatus of the
  • It is here that all ships bound for Liverpool, whether steamers or sailing-ships
  • With what force must these wooden paddles strike the waves which are now
  • I left my cabin, and helping myself with hands and feet through the billows
  • There alone, and leaning over the taffrail, we surveyed the great expanse
  • Seen from the side, these wheels looked narrow and contracted
  • There was a full cargo; provisions, goods, and coal filled the stewards
  • Whist was impossible, for the tables glided from under the players hands
  • After having left the Doctor, I spent the rest of the day with Fabian;
  • Captain Anderson assuming the office of pastor on board, in the midst of
  • At the same time we had reason to hope that these two poor creatures would
  • Towards five oclock a small steamer, intended as a shore-boat for the Great
  • To weigh anchor under these circumstances required considerable exertion
  • Thus, in the midst of the fog, officers and sailors were obliged to keep
  • Fabian had not recognized her, although he had cried, It is she
  • The officer on watch had ordered the sails to be taken in
  • Then, after having crossed a small triangular space at the bows
  • On leaving the station, I went to the Adelphi Hotel
  • I, following the general example, staked my dollar, and fate allotted me
  • The Great Eastern struck amidships, and, supported by no sail, rolled frightfully
  • They cause accidents which it is impossible to avoid, and a collision at
  • The workmen were now hurriedly disembarking and clambering up the numerous
  • This costly operation accomplished, a long crack in her exterior plates
  • Her movable engine was first hoisted on board by means of windlasses
  • A few of the more fearless stretched themselves on the sofas