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She alone could store on board the 2100 miles of metallic wire weighing Would not the good Yorrick have done the same? I looked at Dean Pitferge; It is an immense depression of the land filled with water The steersman standing on the bridge between the signal apparatus of the I went on board and found it already crowded with workmen and mechanics At the base they measure 43 inches in diameter, and the largest (the main-mast) Immediately the valves open, the steam from the boilers rushes along the At ten oclock the bell on deck tolled slowly and at regular intervals; The gate-keepers allowed me to go on to Princes Landing-Stage It would have been well if the service had concluded with the reading; The spectators hurried towards the unfortunate men, the wounded were taken First of all the anchor had to be raised Before lunch several of the passengers organized a pool, which could not The officer on watch had ordered the sails to be taken in The laundries and the crews berths are shut off at the fore-part The steamers course had been slightly altered in the night She is capable of receiving 10,000 passengers, so that out of the 373 principal The tender, already some distance off, was hailed, and in a few minutes All these good people seemed to have hats and boots of a dazzling brightness About nine oclock the bearings of the Great Eastern were west-north-west Corsican and I could no longer doubt but that it was Ellen, Fabians betrothed This was done; but powerful as it was, this engine was found insuflficient The slate-coloured sea broke in great foamless billows The Great Eastern draws 30 feet of water with a cargo of 28,500 tons After the long separation which had estranged us from each other The Great Eastern swung round with the tide; all was now clear I was on the poop at the bows with several other passengers at this moment The fore-masts and the main-masts carry the schooner-sails, the top-sails I saw an object moving for several moments at the bows, but it turned out The Captain and the first officer set the example, and with new gloves Towards five oclock a small steamer, intended as a shore-boat for the Great First of all, during the service, although the weather was fine I, with head upturned, and my body thrown back, surveyed the wheels of After twenty passages from England to America, one of which was marked Soon we came in sight of Queenstown, a small calling-place These wagers, amounting to several hundred dollars, he lost every one; The hull of the Great Eastern is proof against the most formidable seas; The Great Eastern turned in time to avoid her, thanks to the promptitude The next day I went down towards the basins which form a double line of Near me stood a traveller, who frequently shrugged his shoulders impatiently