Générateur anglais de faux textes aléatoires

Lorem ipsum a généré 25 listes pour vous.
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  • We had no doubt as to the identity of the young woman; it was Ellen
  • At last I reached the stern of the steam-ship, and the place I had already
  • Therefore, to the great regret of the sailors, it had to be abandoned
  • This tall fellow was the exact type of an English officer; his figure was
  • At half-past ten, the fog having cleared off, a screw steamer appeared
  • These delays considerably affected the enterprize of the freighters
  • The laundries and the crews berths are shut off at the fore-part
  • These accumulated vapours rising from the sea constitute the greatest danger
  • I, following the general example, staked my dollar, and fate allotted me
  • The first officer, well wrapped in his macintosh, and perched on the bridge
  • Seen from the side, these wheels looked narrow and contracted
  • Before entering upon the last undertaking, the Board of Trade required
  • Beside the Great Eastern, these three-mast ships looked like barges; their
  • As the clock in Victoria Tower struck seven, the tender left her moorings
  • The gate-keepers allowed me to go on to Princes Landing-Stage
  • The tender had disembarked her crew; I stepped on to the fluted iron steps
  • She alone, thanks to her perfect indifference to the sea
  • I saw also piles of Bibles, which were to be distributed in the church
  • After twenty passages from England to America, one of which was marked
  • At half-past ten the Captain rose, and the service began; he read a chapter
  • Of these six masts, supported by shrouds and metallic back-stays, the second
  • It was an inconvenient position for the wheels, for the paddles not being
  • The officer on watch, clinging to the bridge, looked as if he was in a
  • What did he see in this liquid mirror, which gave scope to the most capricious
  • When the first attempt to lay the Atlantic cable had failed