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  • Then, after having crossed a small triangular space at the bows
  • The giant could have hoisted these ships on its davits like shore-boats
  • At the base they measure 43 inches in diameter, and the largest (the main-mast)
  • Meanwhile the tender approached the Great Eastern, whose chains were violently
  • At two oclock the fog grew dense again, the wind fell and rose at the same
  • The church was the great saloon, formed by the upper-deck at the stern
  • The workmen were now hurriedly disembarking and clambering up the numerous
  • Corsican and I could no longer doubt but that it was Ellen, Fabians betrothed
  • Two out of six boilers were removed, and one chimney out of three belonging
  • Would not the good Yorrick have done the same? I looked at Dean Pitferge;
  • Soon we came in sight of Queenstown, a small calling-place
  • However, the steamer had not yet sunk to the load water-line
  • I returned by the boulevards on the starboard side, avoiding contact with